Under Our Clothes - An immersive ASMR experience...

About Director/Facilitator - Lucy Springhall Under Our Clothes is an immersive sensory art experience designed to stimulate ASMR respons...

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Preview show tonight - Holy Art

I am delighted to announce we will be performing a new improved version of Under Our Clothes at a wonder ful new space in East London tonight, hopefully the start of a new run...

I will be moving back to the role of Director/Facilitator and will be joined by Daniel and Anastasiya, two immensly brave and beautiful models who will bare their souls and bodies to you all for the duration of the performance. 

This performance will feature full nudity from both the male and female models, this is aimed at creating the most sensuous experience for all involved, however we would like to stress any sexual or violent conduct will not be tolerated and may result in the performance being stopped. 

Numbers for this performance are limited and photographic ID is required for entry. If you would like to attend please email lucifers@saintly.com

thank you x

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