Under Our Clothes - An immersive ASMR experience...

About Director/Facilitator - Lucy Springhall Under Our Clothes is an immersive sensory art experience designed to stimulate ASMR respons...

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Cancellation - Thursday 25th July

I am very sorry to announce we are having to cancel our upcoming performance, for two reasons - firstly it may have been a solo performance from myself as Paige and Daniel were unable to perform on the date (I was considering this as an option, until...), secondly our venue we had been using has cancelled our bookings owing to an ongoing building issue - this was unforntuately out of my control.

I am very sorry to those who had booked tickets for what would have been another sold out performance. I will seek to secure another venue asap and hopefully get the full performance back on track for August. Please get in touch to secure your attendance at upcoming events.

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