Under Our Clothes - An immersive ASMR experience...

About Director/Facilitator - Lucy Springhall Under Our Clothes is an immersive sensory art experience designed to stimulate ASMR respons...

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Lucy's notes - 2nd Performance

I was almost more nervous coming into the second performance, the first time around I think the audience had a bit of shock factor over the set up, this time as we had had some detail leaked over what to expect, the audience seemed more prepared and willing to get involved from the start. 

I spoke with Paige and Daniel beforehand, we could have sold it out twice over easily but we had agreed to keep the numbers down to a manageable level. We only had time for one single practice session before this performance, so they perhaps were a bit cold coming into it. They each have their challenges in this piece and so every performance takes a lot of courage and concentration, I thank them again for their unwavering commitment. 

We had 15 in the group, 9 female, 5 male, 1 non-binary, probably a younger crowd than first time around, our youngest participant was just 20 whilst the oldest just 44. As usual it was the female participants who were first to get involved, reaching for a selection of the massager props and beginning work on the models' bodies. 

I was delighted with the spirit and energy that developed early on in this performance, there was a real happy and free vibe in the room, everyone feeding of it. I could see in Paige and Daniel's faces that they were enjoying it too, it seemed more relaxed. 

some of the new items got a work out too, the tuning forks proved very popular and seemed to create immense sensory responses for both the audience and performers. The elcetronic stimulators were well used too, having been almost ignored first time round. It provokes certain responses in both Paige and Daniel when the sound of the electronic devices start, there is a strange emotion that comes over both of them, that knowledge of the extreme possibilities of such items, creating an excited fear in both. 

It was more an even split this time too in terms of focus on the models. The first performance had veered more towards Paige but this time round if anything Daniel probably had more activity to deal with. He remarked to me afterwards he had stayed lucid throughout, feeling the room and trying to anticipate and work with the participants. 

I think every inch of Paige and Daniel's bodies got some activity this time, which was beautiful to see. They are becoming more resigned and comfortable with the fact their intimate areas may be appealing to the audinece. There is still a stigma here, perhaps more so for engaging with a male model, the concern that a certain touch may result in unwanted arousal a challenge for both the audience and performer to overcome, indeed - this has not been as issue as yet. 

I will continue to develop, to keep it fresh and exciting, introducing more and more props and refining the technology and setup. Ultimately this striving for the perfect experience may be futile but we can but try.

1 comment:

  1. So interesting to read this, I will be attending the performance on the 4th, I think I would also be more reserved if engaging with the male model for the very reason you say. It's probably something I will need to challenge myself on.
