Under Our Clothes - An immersive ASMR experience...

About Director/Facilitator - Lucy Springhall Under Our Clothes is an immersive sensory art experience designed to stimulate ASMR respons...

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Feedback from anonymous particiant #1

I was touched to receive the following from someone who attended our first performance...


Female participant, 39


I attended the performance alone, I've been to audience participation events in the past and sometimes not felt altogether comfortable. But Lucy ensured everyone was happy and everyone could get involved to their own level of comfort. I was in awe of the 2 live models, they wore robes initially until everyone was in place, then took their spots in amongst us, disrobing and laying on their back as if offering their bodies to everyone in the room. Lucy then laid out all the props and and handed out the headphones, the crisp clear sound they provided imeediately made my tingling start. She then set up the microphones around the bodies, and invited the group to start our exporation. I was sat near the male models hand and so I took a hold of this, touching and stroking him with a sponge, then a phone case, then some crepe paper, Lucy repositioned one of the mics so I could hear better, it was incredible. I could have sat there with his hand for hours, I would have been in my element. But something took me further into his body. I began to feel around his hip and stomach and up to his chest, this time picking up a piece of fabric. initially I was careful not to touch his genitals but after noticing another participant roll a toy car over him I thought why am I being so prudish! It was part of the fun, it was a body part and perhaps should be treated no differently. So I ventured there, to my own astonishment, this was way beyond what I felt I would be doing tonight. but it was incredible, I listened through one of the stethoscopes to his heartbeat as I stroked a piece of faux fur around his most intimate areas. I could hear his beating become more pronounced, this created a similar reaction in me. I must admit I wondered if he would become aroused, it seemed like it would be a natural reaction. But as I continued it dawned on me I was the one getting aroused. I could feel a sexual rush growing in me, as well as my brain tingling from the ASMR, it was an ethereal experience, not something I could ever have envisaged happening. And it was exactly as Lucy had described, the sensations applied to the models could be reflected in our own feelings. All my time thinking I was going to make the model turned on, all that happened was I turned myself on! Or perhaps it was him. I am blushing at the whole thing now, but sitting there it was pure euphoria. If only it could be bottled!

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