Under Our Clothes - An immersive ASMR experience...

About Director/Facilitator - Lucy Springhall Under Our Clothes is an immersive sensory art experience designed to stimulate ASMR respons...

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Thursday 6th June - Performance #1

Lucy's notes

I am touched, blessed and forever greatful to those who came along tonight, such a special collective experience and which will never be forgotten. If we do this another 100 times, we may never reach the level of electricity we created this evening. 

I've been working with Paige and Daniel for some time now, and they have indulged me my every whim, putting their bodies in my trust. But tonight for the first time they extended that trust to a wider group. Their beauty and bravery touches my soul. 

We kept the number to 12, I think this was perfect. I didn't know where to set it, what would be too much, what would be too few, I think 12 found that balance. I explained the performance and introduced the models, they lay in position, the headphones were distributed and we began.

The group were timid at first, and for an invited group I didn't expect this. they worked the extremities of the models, becoming intimately acquainted with their hands and feet. But even in doing this you could feel the energy in the room build. Some of the group seemed visibly moved by listening by what they heard and experienced. 

The youngest in attendance, a male/female couple, were the first to explore the bodies fully. They seemed to enjoy the sensations they provided to Paige with their exploration of her breasts. This encouraged the wider group to perhaps come out their own shells. 

An older couple, again male/female, focused on Daniel. stroking around his upper thighs with an array of items, watching his reactions and listening intently to his heartbeat. Before long the entire group were keen to see how much they could push not only the models, but themselves. 

It's amazing how the time moves during this piece, it's very slow to start, but once everyone gets involved it flies by. Before we knew it the hour was over. Some of the group didn't know what to do, one woman weeped, tears of beauty and joy she said. Another claimed she had reached levels of ASMR she didn't think to be possible, willingly telling me she had felt an arousal so powerful this caught her completely by surprise. 

Daniel and Paige got a lot from the experience too, their initial fears and concerns subsided to an evening of pure simple joy.



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