Under Our Clothes - An immersive ASMR experience...

About Director/Facilitator - Lucy Springhall Under Our Clothes is an immersive sensory art experience designed to stimulate ASMR respons...

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

First Workshop - Thank you!

A most heartfelt thank you to everyone who turned out to our first workshop and made it a very sepcial experience - I hope you all cherish and remember the evening for many years x

I must admit, I wasn't sure how it would go, several people had asked me about the possibility of running a workshop, allowing people to experience the sensations as a model, I will admit to fumbling my way through it a bit, but I think we got away with it!

To our inaugural group - Lia, Shoshana, Francine, Gerry & Margarita, thank you for embracing the piece and putting your bodies forward for the group to enjoy. 

I'd suggested 2 hours, I wasn't sure how long to pitch it for, or how many people we may have had, we ended up going a little over but I think everyone would have been happy to stay much longer. With 5 participants and myself I considered splitting into two groups of three and allowing more time for each person to experience the sensation play, but ultimately the group decided to go one at a time, that way they would have 5 sets of hands to touch and stimulate their bodies. 

None of the group had any issues with nudity, indeed they had all embraced public nudity to some extent previously,  so when I suggested we undress as a group and perform the entire workshop nude there were no objections. We removed our clothes and sat in a circle together and discussed how the workshop would go. Everyone could set their own limits, with what was used on them and what areas of their body were open to touching. I was very pleased that the group seemed very open and would allow any of the props to be used, additionally, no one expressed any objection to their whole bodies being available for use. 

We spoke a little about concerns or issues the group had, the question of trust arose of course, and everyone was very conscious of seen to be involved for the right reasons. Francine also spoke of her curiousity about arousal, she admitted being turned on by the thought of the experience and was a little fearful she may become embarassed with some reactions. This prompted Gerry as the only male in the group to add his own thoughts on the matter, he said he was glad someone else had raised it as he was concerned being a male that an erection would be seen as inappropriate. There was a sense that whilst it was not to be an erotic workshop, there may be moments when each in the group may get aroused, and that if it became problematic for anyone we would cease with any particular activity which may be the cause.

And so we bagan, with very littel encouragement Shoshana agreed to be our first live model. She lay on her back in the middle of our circle and closed her eyes. We each began to touch on her extremities, Lia and Margarita on her arms and hands, Gerry and Francine on her feet, myself at her head, stroking with a small piece of cloth. As the time moved on we experimented with the different props, wooden, metal, plastic, and even one of my massage guns which elicited a very excited response as I teased her thighs and midriff. She was almost tearful at the end, expressing how amazing the experience had been. 

We managed to give each of the group about 20 minutes or so. Enough time to lose themselves in the sensuality of it, experiencing a raft of different stimuli across their entire bodies. Each of the group in turn enjoying every second of the attention applied to their bodies. 

A special call out to Gerry as the only male in the group, it cannot be easy to lay naked amongst 5 women and allow us to interact the way we did. With the earlier discussion around arousal I think the group were a little wary with a male model in attendance, however this proved not to be an issue. After a few minutes they stopped worrying about if he may react and treated his body the same as all the others. I was delighted to see by the end that some of the group even used some of the props on his soft penis which did evoque a little laughter and wry smile but no sexual response. In the end he was treated to a 10 hands massage by all of us collectively, I even used my gun on him at different parts of his anatomy - he said afterwards it was a feeling of pure delight, and that somewhere amidst it he had stopped worrying about getting an erection and just focused on enjoying the moment.

A quick mention to Margarita's feet too, perhaps the most ticklish body part of anyone I have ever witnessed! And to Lia and Francine, perfect models who just embraced everything we offered them. 

I love introducing people to sensation play, it is one of my favourite things to do with a partner, it can be very intimate and a lot of fun. In these workshops obviously we are taking the erotic out of it, but there is so much more to enjoy and our first participants have found. 

I look forward to more of the same with future groups.

Lucy x

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