Under Our Clothes - An immersive ASMR experience...

About Director/Facilitator - Lucy Springhall Under Our Clothes is an immersive sensory art experience designed to stimulate ASMR respons...

Monday, June 24, 2024

Review - 20th June performance

Emma, 26

I attended the performance with my partner and felt a full range of human emotion thoughout the course of the evening. As the live models prepared themselves and took their positions the director explained what she wanted from the audience, to be creative, to be brave and to open our minds and souls, I paraphrase but she spoke of uncovering a deep sensory energy within ourselves, and I for one can say I found this.

I was shaking at the start, equally through fear and excitement, I was in awe of the two models who had the bravery to perform such a piece. I spent the first few minutes just gazing over their skin, watching their breathing, so calm and controlled, it challenged me. Most of the early activity was around the female model, I could almost sense what she must have been feeling as the audience used the various props to tap and touch at her body. 

As a result, my partner and I started with the male model. He was so calm, his body so inviting, we selected a couple of props, myself I used a wooden twin ball massager. I began to roll it around his chest and shoulders watching for reactions on his face, was he enjoying it, I couldn't tell. I listened intently through my headphones to the clicks and strokes that were picked up from the micrphones, it touched me somewhere deep down, I was now in tune, every turn of my massager, every twist, every time moved it I could hear it inside me, I could almost feel it on the same areas of my own body. 

I had tuned into his body somehow, and so I explored him some more, working my way down to his legs. I used the massager on his thighs and down to his knees and shins, all the way feeling it in my own legs. My partner worked on his other leg, glancing at me as we developed a syncopated approach, we didn't speak to each other aloud, but we knew we were feeling each others movements. She then started to play on his feet, I could feel it! I had to check no one from behind had actually stroked my own foot, but they hadn't. 

As the group moved around the models we took our chance to move to the female. I could sense her vulnerability as she lay exposed, feeling the touch of so many strangers. I held her hand and squeezed to which she responded in kind, it was the most powerful handshake I've ever felt, I was giving her every good wish I could muster and she sensed it and thanked me. My partner and I then sat across her, together using the gel pack to move across the model's stomach, edging out up and down, I knew it must feel good, we moved into erogenous zones, I guess we wanted to give her a bit of pleasure, I hope she could enjoy it, we certainly did!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds incredible! I can't wait to attend the next performance!
