Under Our Clothes - An immersive ASMR experience...

About Director/Facilitator - Lucy Springhall Under Our Clothes is an immersive sensory art experience designed to stimulate ASMR respons...

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Feedback from workshop participant...

Female attendee, 36


I attended a performance of under our clothes in last month and I spent maybe 10 minutes after the performance speaking with the director Lucy and I told her about the power of this play and that it made me feel sensations I did not know to be possible. I cried at this time to her with my emotion after participating in the performance and I have said to her at this time that it is something I will love to try for myself. I could not believe that the response was that Lucy will try to set this up, that a lot of people have told her they want to try this. I waited patient for this invitation to come, it was not so long. 

I was so excited to take part, the nudity was not a problem for me, I have worked as an artists model for many years, and I have also been part of a nude yoga group previously. But if I have one concern for the workshop it is to put my body in the hand of strangers and allow them to touch me and to feel me, this maybe is strange and out of the comfort zone for me. I was also perhaps prejudice for the male participant in the workshop, I had hope for a female only space and this challenged me a bit. I was worried to have them touch me, maybe this will be uncomfortable for me to feel, I was worried to touch them also, perhaps my touch would be erotic for them. So this is some fears I have. 

But in the workshop it is beautiful feeling, all the group are comfortable together and we have a happy and honest discussion about what we feel and what is the worry for us. Talking to the people I start to feel more comfortable for this. The Lucy is to tell everyone to undress together and we sit like this for some time. I think the nudity is make everyone more comfortable, there is honesty and real feeling from the nude human body, everyone is happy to be like this together. 

I was happy not to go first to be the model. I wanted to see how everyone will interact with the body what sort of touches there will be and what the reactions might be also. I started to touch on her feet and legs, making nice sensual touches with first some cloth and sponge, then alsot the wooden massage tools. I watched to her face to see this response and there was a smile on her. I tuned into the sounds of the tools I used on her body, and I could feel similar feelings in me on my legs it is amazing sensation. After some time and we move around her body I try to touch on her chest, more intimate of course but this is also special feeling and special moment between maybe the two of us. For the end of the time for the first model Lucy also asks if she will like to feel the massage gun, this electronic and maybe much more stimulating device. I watch so close on her as this is used on her thighs and very close to her genitals and this is maybe a little bit scary for me to feel if this will happen to me. 

It got to be more fun to take part with the other models, perhaps we are get more used to the props and to touch the bodys. I make myself more invovled, trying to make the model really feel the touch of myself and watching this reaction. I want to also talk about the male model in the group, I feel bad because I have this judgement of him at the start, but he say for him is not intended to be sexual experience and there is the talk we have before I say there is this worry for me that he will be aroused and maybe this will make so awkward for the group he does say he will try to not react like this.

So to touch on the male model I am more nervous to do this, but the rest of the goup is maybe more confident. I stay around to his legs and feet for the start again and I try not to be so powerful in my touch at the start. But maybe after 5 minutes I notice the others in the group they are not so reserved to touch and are feel on all his body and touch with all the items. So I challenge myself to do this, when I was in the performance before I dont spend too much time on the male body because I have this fear also, so this time I think I will make it ok for me. I start to get close to his genitals and to make sensual stroking here with the cloth pieces. I wonder how this must feel for him, maybe it is close to being sexual feeling, it is like I have done with partners in the past. Lucy then makes the same move as me and we go together on his body and this time she is not stop at his penis, it is special feeling for me even to watch this so close beacuse it is exciting and this must be nice feeling for the model. The next time I do this also and then I can see there is only smile for him and for others, it is not so sexual or erotic to make him hard. So I can do this and it is enjoy for both of us, I use another of the props and feel this on his penis too. 

I am also amaze to see that the male model is also ok to try to use the massage gun on his body, Lucy makes the offer of this to the group and I take the chance to try to provide this poweful stimulation to his body. I use it on his legs and move on his thighs but I am careful not to move to close to his genitals because I understand this may be too much provocation for him. I continue up his body to his shoulderbones and neck and I can see the beautiful smile on his face this is very nice feeling for him. I offer the massager to the others in the group who continue to use the electronics on him. And one by one the rest of us work on his body to perform many hands massage for him, he say it is must be what heaven is like for people! 

This all makes me feel very good and now it is my turn to enjoy the experience. I am nervous to have the initial touches on my body, but soon I just move with this, enjoying every touch and new feeling and the sensations this creates. I keep my eyes closed for all this time, I don't want to know and I dont care who is touching me where on my body. I can feel everything all around me. There is very cute a beautiful touch on my toes and the soles of my feet, it gives me huge rush inside of exciting feeling. I can also feel on my belly a very soft material and this nice stroking for me. On my head there is harder object I think the wooden massager and also the head massager, this feels amazing. The time it go so slow and this make the experience feel so long. I try to make it last forever! 

I will say, I have the concern for the male model about the feeling of being aroused, this is something I also worry for myself. I t can be obvious I think for other people in the room to see me like this, so I try to make my mind not think of things in this way. But soon there is storke I feel of something between my legs, and this does cause me to gasp a little, it is very strong feeling but also very beautiful and intimate moment. Lucy also ask me if I want to have the massage gun used on me, I say only maybe on my feet or my neck and shoulders if this is ok. I am worried a little about my reaction if the massager is used to close to my genitals! But the sensation of feeling this through my feet is amazing, I could have this all day! And the group like we do for the last model all give me beautiful massage to complete the expeience. 

I cannot thank the group and Lucy enough for creating this workshop and making it so powerful and enjoyable for me. I have already signed up to attend another so I look forward already to this happening again, maybe without the worry and maybe I will aks for all over with the massage gun! 

Thank you

Francine x

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

First Workshop - Thank you!

A most heartfelt thank you to everyone who turned out to our first workshop and made it a very sepcial experience - I hope you all cherish and remember the evening for many years x

I must admit, I wasn't sure how it would go, several people had asked me about the possibility of running a workshop, allowing people to experience the sensations as a model, I will admit to fumbling my way through it a bit, but I think we got away with it!

To our inaugural group - Lia, Shoshana, Francine, Gerry & Margarita, thank you for embracing the piece and putting your bodies forward for the group to enjoy. 

I'd suggested 2 hours, I wasn't sure how long to pitch it for, or how many people we may have had, we ended up going a little over but I think everyone would have been happy to stay much longer. With 5 participants and myself I considered splitting into two groups of three and allowing more time for each person to experience the sensation play, but ultimately the group decided to go one at a time, that way they would have 5 sets of hands to touch and stimulate their bodies. 

None of the group had any issues with nudity, indeed they had all embraced public nudity to some extent previously,  so when I suggested we undress as a group and perform the entire workshop nude there were no objections. We removed our clothes and sat in a circle together and discussed how the workshop would go. Everyone could set their own limits, with what was used on them and what areas of their body were open to touching. I was very pleased that the group seemed very open and would allow any of the props to be used, additionally, no one expressed any objection to their whole bodies being available for use. 

We spoke a little about concerns or issues the group had, the question of trust arose of course, and everyone was very conscious of seen to be involved for the right reasons. Francine also spoke of her curiousity about arousal, she admitted being turned on by the thought of the experience and was a little fearful she may become embarassed with some reactions. This prompted Gerry as the only male in the group to add his own thoughts on the matter, he said he was glad someone else had raised it as he was concerned being a male that an erection would be seen as inappropriate. There was a sense that whilst it was not to be an erotic workshop, there may be moments when each in the group may get aroused, and that if it became problematic for anyone we would cease with any particular activity which may be the cause.

And so we bagan, with very littel encouragement Shoshana agreed to be our first live model. She lay on her back in the middle of our circle and closed her eyes. We each began to touch on her extremities, Lia and Margarita on her arms and hands, Gerry and Francine on her feet, myself at her head, stroking with a small piece of cloth. As the time moved on we experimented with the different props, wooden, metal, plastic, and even one of my massage guns which elicited a very excited response as I teased her thighs and midriff. She was almost tearful at the end, expressing how amazing the experience had been. 

We managed to give each of the group about 20 minutes or so. Enough time to lose themselves in the sensuality of it, experiencing a raft of different stimuli across their entire bodies. Each of the group in turn enjoying every second of the attention applied to their bodies. 

A special call out to Gerry as the only male in the group, it cannot be easy to lay naked amongst 5 women and allow us to interact the way we did. With the earlier discussion around arousal I think the group were a little wary with a male model in attendance, however this proved not to be an issue. After a few minutes they stopped worrying about if he may react and treated his body the same as all the others. I was delighted to see by the end that some of the group even used some of the props on his soft penis which did evoque a little laughter and wry smile but no sexual response. In the end he was treated to a 10 hands massage by all of us collectively, I even used my gun on him at different parts of his anatomy - he said afterwards it was a feeling of pure delight, and that somewhere amidst it he had stopped worrying about getting an erection and just focused on enjoying the moment.

A quick mention to Margarita's feet too, perhaps the most ticklish body part of anyone I have ever witnessed! And to Lia and Francine, perfect models who just embraced everything we offered them. 

I love introducing people to sensation play, it is one of my favourite things to do with a partner, it can be very intimate and a lot of fun. In these workshops obviously we are taking the erotic out of it, but there is so much more to enjoy and our first participants have found. 

I look forward to more of the same with future groups.

Lucy x

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Under Our Clothes Workshop #1 - 03/09

We are going to run a few workshops over the coming weeks for those interested in experiencing firsthand the sensual joy or performing Under Our Clothes. These will be held at a private venue in North London.

The price of the workshops will be £50 per person/£75 per couple and photographic ID is mandatory. 

Please note the workshops will involve full nudity, discretion is advised. 

Additionally, these are intended purely for ASMR and sensual experience, there will be no sexual activity permitted.

To take part please contact myself at lucifers@saintly.com.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Holy Art Preview Show - Thank You!

A huge thank you to everyone who attended our performance last night, it truly was a magical night, the electricity in the room and between the models and the participants was so powerful, I think everyone wished it could be bottled.

To my dear friend Ana, whom I have know for almost 20 years(!), what a wonderful debut as a model. The perfect vessel for our audience to explore, a beautiful dancers body which has given so much to art and performance over the years. And an example of how disciplined and exemplary a performer can be. 

To Daniel, who has worked with me on this since the start, thank you so much for your continued cooperation and willingness to embrace the experience and leave your comfort zone at times. 

To the audience, you make this special, and thank you for the comments too, as always a joy to hear! Here are some of tmy favourites...

"I have never felt so connected to another human being"

"I was shaking with excitement and pleasure"

"How did the male model not get an erection?"

"Was the female model aroused?"

"The emotion of the experience brought me to tears"

"Can I get involved next time!" 

I've not been through all the feedback as yet and thank you to those who have responded by email too, I will publish as much as I can and hopefully be in a position to release further dates asap.

Lucy x

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Preview show tonight - Holy Art

I am delighted to announce we will be performing a new improved version of Under Our Clothes at a wonder ful new space in East London tonight, hopefully the start of a new run...

I will be moving back to the role of Director/Facilitator and will be joined by Daniel and Anastasiya, two immensly brave and beautiful models who will bare their souls and bodies to you all for the duration of the performance. 

This performance will feature full nudity from both the male and female models, this is aimed at creating the most sensuous experience for all involved, however we would like to stress any sexual or violent conduct will not be tolerated and may result in the performance being stopped. 

Numbers for this performance are limited and photographic ID is required for entry. If you would like to attend please email lucifers@saintly.com

thank you x

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Cancellation - Thursday 25th July

I am very sorry to announce we are having to cancel our upcoming performance, for two reasons - firstly it may have been a solo performance from myself as Paige and Daniel were unable to perform on the date (I was considering this as an option, until...), secondly our venue we had been using has cancelled our bookings owing to an ongoing building issue - this was unforntuately out of my control.

I am very sorry to those who had booked tickets for what would have been another sold out performance. I will seek to secure another venue asap and hopefully get the full performance back on track for August. Please get in touch to secure your attendance at upcoming events.

Monday, July 15, 2024

July shows now sold out/Virtual performance!

Thank you to everyone who is supporting this project, I am pleased to say all our July performances have now sold out. 

I will be looking at new venue options this week and hopefully we'll be able to announce more performances for August and beyond. 

Tonight we will also be trying a virtual performance for the first time with an invited audience, some good friends and some who saw us live in the past month - check your emails for the link, let's see how this goes!